Honesty Featured Book
A Day’s Work
By Eve Bunting
From Goodreads:
Francisco, a young Mexican-American boy, doesn’t know how to connect with his grandfather who doesn’t doesn’t speak English. But when the opportunity to help his grandfather find a job comes along, Francisco helps his grandfather learn about gardening. They get to learn about gardening, and each other, along the way.
After reading the story to the class, process it with these or similar questions
- Did you like the story?
- Do you think that Francisco thought that lying about knowing gardening was a bad thing? What reasoning did he use to justify it?
- How do you think Francisco felt when Ben explained the mistake they had made?
- Why do you think it was hard for Francisco to look at his grandfather when he told him about the mistake?
- How did Francisco react when his grandfather said they would come back tomorrow and fix their mistake?
- Why do you think Ben offered to pay them half the money on the first day and the rest when they fixed the mistake?
- Why do you think did his grandfather refused Ben’s offer of half the money that day?
- Why do you think Ben agreed to give them more work?
- Do you think that Francisco will remember this and be more honest?
Click here to find the full list of books on Honesty on our Goodreads shelf!