Responsibility In Faith
vs. unreliability
Knowing and doing what is expected of me
Responsibility to Faith
What Responsibilities do you have to your Faith? What does it mean to belong to that ‘club’? If you were a Steelers fan, everyone would know that by your often-worn Jersey or talk of the team. How do people know you profess a certain faith? Do you have a responsibility to be public about this? Do you have a responsibility to let it into every aspect of your life? This month, we have a family activity aimed at children to create a Responsebili-Tree for their Faith. Perhaps, as adults, we should take time and do this activity, also.
What is on your Responsibili-Tree?

The Links below will take you to Resources you can use in a Christian Faith Based setting
to encourage the Character Quality of Responsibility.
Our other Pillars have resources that can be adapted for use in a Christian setting.

Visit Responsibility in School>>
No Matter How You Say It
Curriculum Connections
Croskey’s Corner

Visit Responsibility in Business>>
Power Up with Character
Interview Questions
Adult Business Books

Visit Responsibility in the Community>>
Character All Month Calendar
Related Qualities
Character Holiday Activities
Family Activity (with a printable for sending home to parents)
Archived Faith Resources
- Family Faith Builder on Responsibility
- Faith Builder Bulletin on Responsibility
- Character Growth Self-Evaluation Form
Character Helps
1-Minute Testimonials
David The Responsible Shepherd
A Responsibility Became A Gift
Drexel, Missionary-Amer Minorities
Respon. Mother’s Prayer Answered
Ghandi’s Disappoint.With Christianity
Pearl Harbor: A Surprise Attack?
The Responsible Bridge-Builders
Tragedy-Neglect Volcano Warning
5-Minute Studies
Responsibility For Our Talents
Joseph: Man Marked For Responsibility
Children and Family Resources
4-Minute Sermons
Are You Acting Like Responsibility Is Important?
- The Unprofitable Servant (1)
- A Responsible Steward (2)
- A Responsible Witness (3)
- Left My First Love (4)
Bulletin Inserts
- What Does It Mean To Be Responsible?
- Was I Responsible Yesterday?
- Rewards of Being Responsible
- Self-Evaluation of Responsibility
- The Second Mile Principle
- What Example Do My Followers See?
- Walking in Harmony with Christians
- Did I Walk With God Yesterday?
- What Are We Responsible For?
- What Will Your Account Look Like?