Self-Control In the Community
vs. self-indulgence
Choosing behaviors to help me reach my goals
Less is More
by Mary Andres Russell
Is there an area of your life in which you need to exercise self-control? Is it spending? Too much food or drink? Or in controlling your emotions?
Self-control is not about rigid self-punishment. It’s about creating a life that aligns with our values and aspirations. By staying in control, we build trust in ourselves and our ability to navigate life’s complexities.
A school guidance counselor once told a story about how he demonstrates the need for Self-Control. When we indulge in anger or criticism, it is like taking a clean sheet of paper and crumpling it into a wad of trash. Later in regret we may try to repair the relationship, just as we may try to straighten out that sheet of paper. But try as we might, the folds and creases remain. And just as that piece of paper is never quite the same, that relationship may also suffer. It can take months or even years to repair the damage of one out-of-control argument.
This month, use Self-Control to strengthen your resolve and your relationships. That means simplifying — less is more: less over-indulging, more setting small, achievable goals and following through on commitments; less busyness, more aligning our actions with our values and aspirations; less allowing our emotions to rule the day, more taking a step back, a deep breath, and exercising our self-control.
The Links below will take you to Resources you can use with the family or within community organizations
to teach the Character Quality of Self-Control.
The following activities are related to dates this month and can relate to any character quality or good character in general.
July Character All Month
See NationalToday, AndTodayIs, NationalDayCalendar or DaysOfTheYear for more information on these and other holidays to celebrate this month. Day in July 2024 Holiday How to Commemorate with Character 3 International Drop a Rock Day What will you do on...
Drop a Rock Day
On Drop a Rock Day (always July 3), you are encouraged to decorate a rock with a positive message and leave it where someone will find it. The Kindness Rock Project participates in this event and asks you to add a little red heart to your rock if you want to celebrate...
4th of July
This holiday celebrates Loyalty and the birth of our country! Being patriotic is being Loyal to your country. To celebrate the holiday, use your red, white, and blue colored craft items to create patriotic artwork. Here are some ideas below: crafts on All Kids...
Our other Pillars have resources that can be used in a community or family setting.
Visit Self-Control in School>>
No Matter How You Say It
Curriculum Connections
Croskey’s Corner
Visit Self-Control in Business>>
Power Up with Character
Interview Questions
Adult Business Books
Visit Self-Control in Faith>>
Christian Family Activity
Bible Verses
Christian Poster
Prayer and Reflections
Archived Resources