Endurance In Business
vs. discouragement
Withstanding stress to do my best
Powering through burnout is not Endurance, but taking steps to recover from burnout is. Burnout is when you continually feel mentally overwhelmed, physically fatigued, and emotionally drained. Once you have reached the point of burnout, it takes more than sheer willpower to struggle through it; doing so can sometimes lead to something worse.
Enduring to the other side of burnout requires revisiting your values and evaluating your activities to eliminate or reduce those that aren’t related to your ultimate goals. It may mean finding ways to sneak mini-stress breaks into your schedule or exercising your humility and asking for help. Creativity can also help you find new ways to combine tasks or make them less stressful.
This month, how will you improve your Endurance?
Interview for Endurance with this question:
How do you handle stress in a fast-paced environment? Give an example.
Download The Ultimate Guide to Hiring for Character with questions for all 36 qualities.
The Links below will take you to the most recent Team Building blog post and the previous posts. These are not related to a particular quality.
Magazine Cover
Divide the whole group into smaller groups of 4 – 6 people. Provide each group with a large sheet of paper and drawing materials. Each group is to design a magazine cover touting an accomplishment for which the larger group as a whole could be famous. It doesn’t have...
Featured Book on Endurance
Triple Crown Leadership:
Building Excellent, Ethical, and Enduring Organizations
By Bob Vanourek and Gregg Vanourek
Our other Pillars have resources that can be used in a workplace setting.
Visit Endurance in School>>
No Matter How You Say It
Curriculum Connections
Croskey’s Corner
Visit Endurance in the Community>>
Character All Month Calendar
Related Qualities
Character Holiday Activities
Family Activity (with a printable for sending home to parents)
Visit Endurance in Faith>>
Christian Family Activity
Bible Verses
Christian Poster
Prayer and Reflections
Archived Resources