Forgiveness strengthens:

  • Resilience by releasing feelings of resentment.
  • Creativity by releasing a grudge that can hold back finding new perspectives.
  • Cooperation so that you can let go of past hurts that get in the way of current teamwork.
  • Humility by actively realizing that the world doesn’t revolve around me.

Forgiveness is a lot like:






Letting it Go




Forgiveness is strengthened by:

  • Compassion by letting go of my pain.
  • Alertness by being sensitive to the ways you have offended others, so you can improve your relationships.
  • Loyalty because you are more likely to forgive those who have your loyalty.
  •  Courage because there is fear involved in letting go of a grudge.
  •  Decisiveness as it isn’t easy to decide to let go of a past or current hurt.
  •  Resilience so that you can bounce back after letting go of a resentment.
  • Positivity by providing hope in the freedom that comes from releasing a grudge.

For the word origin, translations, sign language version, and other linguistic
characteristics of Forgiveness,
visit the No Matter How You Say It page.