King David Teaches Us About Initiative

King David Teaches Us About Initiative In Old Testament times, King David demonstrated initiative as he engaged Goliath in battle (I Samuel 17:45-51). As a young shepherd, David saw the need (kill this giant of the enemy Philistine army which no one else dares to try...

Thoroughness Prayer

Thoroughness Prayer Dear Jesus, We praise you for your goodness and mercy and thank you for the example of Thoroughness in your life. We remember how you always stayed true to the Father’s plan. Remind us to plan our work and make our to-do lists according to your...

Jonathan Teaches Us about Loyalty

Jonathan Teaches Us about Loyalty Jonathan was the son of King Saul. Normally, a son would succeed his father to the throne, but Jonathan knew that he would never be King. He knew that his best friend, David, was destined to be King. When David demonstrated courage...

Availability Prayer

Availability Prayer Dear Jesus, We praise you for your goodness and mercy and thank you for the example of availability in your life. You were always available to God’s people to answer their questions and to heal their sick. Please help us to put others ahead of...

Samuel Teaches Us About Availability

Samuel Teaches Us About Availability Samuel was just a young lad when God called to him. Samuel had been sleeping in the temple when he heard someone call his name. He got up and went to his mentor, Eli, whom he thought had called to him. Eli responded that he hadn’t...