A Faith Reflection on Justice

A Faith Reflection on Justice As Christians, we learn about Justice first from our Heavenly Father.  He teaches us to treat all people as children of the Kingdom. The leper, the orphan and the widow need our help and our compassion. Justice is not only about the big...

Gideon Teaches Us About Alertness

Gideon Teaches Us About Alertness In Chapter 7 of the Book of Judges, we see Gideon getting ready to attack the Midianites with a very large army. God did not want the army so large that the Israelites would become boastful so the Lord told Gideon to reduce the size...

Alertness Prayer

Alertness Prayer Dear Jesus, We praise you for your goodness and mercy and thank you for the example of Alertness in your life. You were always on the lookout for ways to tell people about your Father. Help us to keep our eyes and ears open so we can recognize and...

Humility Prayer

Humility Prayer Dear Jesus, We praise you for your goodness and mercy and thank you for the example of Humility in your life. We remember how even on the cross you did the will of the Father. Help us to embrace our roles as your servants here on Earth and be all that...

Moses Teaches Us About Humility

Moses Teaches Us About Humility We first see the adult Moses in Pharaoh’s court. We assume that Moses’ mother, the daughter of Pharaoh, must have told him about his Jewish heritage. One day, Moses killed an Egyptian slave driver who was beating one of his Jewish...

Daniel Teaches Us About Tolerance

Daniel Teaches Us About Tolerance Daniel was an Israelite from Judah. He was of nobility and could have been from the royal family. He was carried off to Babylon when Jerusalem was besieged. He found himself, a captive in a strange country, where the language,...