
Clues Download printable version of the activity For this activity, everyone needs a sheet of paper and something to write with. Young non-writers can be paired with a parent and their answers recorded for them. Fold the paper to create the number of columns so that...

Peaceful Pancakes

Peaceful Pancakes Download printable version of the activity As a family, you will make Peaceful Pancakes. Let each family member be in charge of an ingredient. You may choose to have things pre-measured for members too young to do so. Add some food coloring to 3/4...

The Domino Game

The Domino Game Download printable version of the activity For this activity, you can use dominos or any toy that can be set up like a domino chain. You can even use board books, boxes of pudding, or other boxed food products. Set up the chain of items. The family can...

Start with Your Sock Drawer

Start with Your Sock Drawer Download printable version of activity Our activity for teaching orderliness is an exercise in ordering everyone’s sock drawer. Start with your own socks. You can do it ahead of time and show them your orderly drawer and the bag of ones to...