Punctuality strengthens:

  •  Dependability by being timely in your promises so you can honor your commitments.
  •  Trustworthiness by being on time so you gain the confidence of others.

Punctuality is a lot like


Time Keeping



On Schedule


Punctuality is strengthened by:

  • Responsibility by knowing what is expected of you so you can complete your duties on time.
  • Courage by giving you strength so you can do the right thing at the right time.
  • Diligence by focusing on tasks so you can stay on schedule.
  • Orderliness by keeping things organized so you can be on time.
  • Alertness by being aware of what may throw your schedule off so you can make adjustments and stay on track.

For the word origin, translations, sign language version, and other linguistic
characteristics of Punctuality,
visit the No Matter How You Say It page.