Justice strengthens:

  • Availability by giving a deeper reason for taking responsibility
  • Loyalty so that you are committed to things that are pure, right and true.
  • Compassion by using the concepts of pure, right and true to help others.
  • Initiative by doing what needs to be done to be just.

Justice is a lot like







Justice is strengthened by:

  • Cooperation by treating others as teammates.
  • Honesty by recognizing my bias in a response and acting to correct it.
  • Cautiousness by taking time to ensure that a just decision is made.
  • Determination and Courage because being just is not always easy.
  • Sincerity by being transparent about your motives concerning issues of justice.


For the word origin, translations, sign language version, and other linguistic
characteristics of Justice,
visit the No Matter How You Say It page.