
Have each participant write a fact about themselves on an 8 ½ x 11 white sheet of paper. (Excellent use of scrap paper!) Make sure they know the fact will be shared and used to identify them. Do not put a name on the paper. (Younger participants can draw a picture of something that they like.) Once they are done, have them scrunch up the paper into a “snowball”. Choose an appropriate snowball activity. They can throw them at a target, toss them back and forth like an egg toss, stack them into a snow mountain, or do any other snow game that mixes up the snowballs. When they are done with the game, have each participant grab a snowball, open it up and share it with the group. They need to see if they can guess who it is.
To process this activity, ask these questions:
- Did you enjoy our indoor snowball fight?
- Did you enjoy learning something about the others in the group?
- Did you notice any answers that recurred or any themes within the group?
- Did seeing the diversity of answers give you an appreciation for the diversity of the group?
- Did learning about others help you feel more connected to them?