Compassion Verses

Compassion Verses “Finally, all of you, be of one mind, sympathetic, loving toward one another, compassionate, humble.” 1 Peter 3:8 “He who has compassion on the poor lends to the LORD, and he will repay him for his good deed.” Proverbs 19:17 “This is my commandment,...

Compassion Quotes

Compassion Quotes   Loving the quote images?Follow us on Instagram and Twitter for more like them throughout the month!     “Compassion is the keen awareness of the interdependence of all things.” -Thomas Merton “Compassion is sometimes the fatal capacity for...

Decisiveness Quotes

Decisiveness Quotes   Loving the quote images?Follow us on Instagram and Twitter for more like them throughout the month!     “You can’t make decisions based on fear and the possibility of what might happen.”-Michelle Obama “Decisiveness is a characteristic of...

Creativity Verses

Creativity Verses “And he has filled him with the Spirit of God, with skill, with intelligence, with knowledge, and with all craftsmanship, to devise artistic designs, to work in gold and silver and bronze.”Exodus 35:31-32 “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the...