Patience Prayer

Patience Prayer Dear Jesus,We praise you for your goodness and mercy and thank you for the example of Patience in your life. We remember how you patiently waited to begin your ministry. Help us to be patient with one another. Remind us to patiently accept the things...

Initiative Prayer

Initiative Prayer Dear Jesus, We praise you for your goodness and mercy and thank you for the example of Initiative in your life. We remember how you constantly reached out to those you met. Remind us to do what is right before being told and not put off until...

Initiative Prayer

Dear Jesus,We praise you for your goodness and mercy and thank you for the example of Initiative in your life. We remember how you constantly reached out to those you met. Remind us to do what is right before being told and not put off until tomorrow the things I can...

Availability Prayer

Availability Prayer Dear Jesus, We praise you for your goodness and mercy and thank you for the example of availability in your life. You were always available to God’s people to answer their questions and to heal their sick. Please help us to put others ahead of...

Cooperation Prayer

Cooperation Prayer Dear Jesus, We praise you for your goodness and mercy and thank you for the example of cooperation in your life. You always worked with those around you. Help us listen to others to understand their perspective and do our part in group efforts....