Walk a Mile in My Shoes

Walk a Mile in My Shoes Download printable version of the activity For this exercise, everyone needs to remove their shoes or bring a pair of their own shoes if they aren’t wearing any.  Put all the shoes in a pile and let each family member pick a pair of someone...

Justice Activities

Justice Activities   The activities here are fun ways to teach character.  The game aspect makes the lesson more memorable.  Each activity has processing questions at the end.  Without processing the activity, the exercise is just a game.  To make it a stronger...

Hoop Circle

Hoop Circle Have everyone form a circle and join hands. Break the circle and thread a hula-hoop on someone’s arms and reconnect the circle. Without breaking hands, they must pass the hoop to the next person continuing around the circle with each player stepping into...


Net-Working Have the group stand in a circle, shoulder to shoulder then take 2 giant steps backward. Give one person a ball of yarn. Have them unwind a portion that they think will reach across the circle, hold the end then toss the ball of yarn across the circle to...

Diligence Activities

Diligence Activities   The activities here are fun ways to teach character.  The game aspect makes the lesson more memorable.  Each activity has processing questions at the end.  Without processing the activity, the exercise is just a game.  To make it a stronger...