Justice Activities

by | Mar 5, 2024 | Activity | 0 comments


The activities here are fun ways to teach character.  The game aspect makes the lesson more memorable.  Each activity has processing questions at the end.  Without processing the activity, the exercise is just a game.  To make it a stronger lesson when you process it, relate the character quality to a core value that your organization promotes.

Consider picking a student to run the activity.  You will need to give them time ahead of the activity to prepare.  Another option is to pick a few students to run the activity for a younger classroom after you have run it for your class.  Encourage your students to repeat it in the home for younger siblings or even parents.

Got Candy?

Bring in a bag of candy treats for the classroom making sure that you have several less than enough to go around. (If you have students who would refuse candy, be sure to account for this in your number.) Let the bag be passed around the room so the students can take a piece of the candy. Instruct them to wait until all of the candy is passed out to unwrap or eat the candy. When the candy runs out, pose the problem to the class of Now what do we do? Is it fair for some to get candy and for others not to get candy? How do those who didn’t get candy feel? Can you think of a solution to the problem? You will want to have extra candy to give to those students who didn’t get any when the discussion is over.

To process the activity, ask these or similar questions:
  • Was the idea of getting candy fun?
  • Did it spoil the fun when everyone didn’t receive a piece of candy?
  • The next time you see an unfair situation, will you remember the candy and do the right thing?

Fair Does Not Mean Equal

Discuss the difference between being fair and being equal. Bring 3 students to the front of the room. Give the first student 25 pennies, give the second student 5 nickels and give the third student a quarter. Instruct the students to hold the coins in their hands so that the rest of the class can see them. Instruct each student to tell how much their coins are worth. Discuss the fact that each student has a different-looking handful but that they all have the same value. This is the same with people. We may look different but we all have the same value. When we treat each other with fairness we are acting with justice.

To process the activity, ask these or similar questions:
  • Did an activity with money sound fun?
  • Did you immediately understand that the coins had the same value?
  • If we treated people who had quarters differently than those who had pennies, would that be fair?
  • Does everyone deserve to be treated fairly?
  • When you see some being treated unfairly, will you remember the coins and do the right thing?

Eggbert and Unfairness

You will need a raw egg and a clear glass filled with one cup of water to start. Introduce Eggbert to the class as a new classmate. Introduce the cup of water to the class as the class. Place the egg in the cup, and watch it sink. The class did not support Eggbert, so he sank to the bottom. Ask the class to describe how Eggbert feels (down, sad, depressed, unloved). Remove Eggbert from the cup. Ask the class for suggestions of things can students in a classroom do to make Eggbert feel supported. (treat him nicely, play with him, share with him, defend him, say nice things to him, say nice things about him to others). Introduce the salt to the class as ways to be fair to a classmate. Each time you get a good suggestion, stir some of the salt into the water. You will need about ¼ cup of salt per cup of water to make the egg float. When all of the salt has been added. Put Eggbert back in the water. Applaud when he floats. Now ask for suggestions of how Eggbert feels now. (happy, included, valued, loved)

When finished, process the activity with these or similar questions:
  • Did you know Eggbert was going to float the first time?
  • Did you know Eggbert was going to float the second time?
  • Have you ever felt like Eggbert did when he was at the bottom of the glass?
  • Have you ever treated others, so they feel like Eggbert at the bottom of the glass?
  • Have you ever felt like Eggbert when he floated at the top of the glass?
  • Can you appreciate how your classmates can help you feel good or bad?
  • Next time you want to treat someone unfairly, will you remember Eggbert and do the right thing?