Daniel Teaches Us About Acceptance

Daniel was an Israelite from Judah. He was of nobility and could have been from the royal family. He was carried off to Babylon when Jerusalem was besieged. He found himself, a captive in a strange country, where the language, customs, food and religion were very different. Daniel was one of several young men chosen to learn the language and literature of the Babylonians, and be trained for the King’s service. The King assigned them a daily portion of food and wine from his table. Daniel wanted to keep God’s laws and recognized that some of the food was forbidden. Respecting the authority of the chief official over him, Daniel asked permission to eat vegetables and drink water for ten days. Daniel had resolved not to defile himself when the accepted behavior would have been to eat the royal food and wine. Daniel believed in standing firm for what is right in God’s sight. He excelled in his studies and was placed in the King’s service. Throughout the Babylonian captivity, under different kings, Daniel taught us that acceptance is showing respect for the differences of others without compromising your own belief. Daniel became ruler over all Babylon, and through his influence kings put out decrees ordering all the people to respect his God.