Barnabas Teaches Us About Kindness

Barnabas was filled with words of goodwill and kindness. His given name was Joseph, but the apostles called him Barnabas, which means “a son of encouragement or comfort. We first meet Barnabas in Acts of the Apostles when he sold his personal property and gave the proceeds to the apostles for the work of the Lord. Barnabas was the one who believed that Saul had been transformed by his experience on the road to Damascus. He defended him to the apostles, and Saul was accepted and protected by them. Later, Saul and Barnabas teamed up to preach the gospel in foreign lands. Barnabas was always known for encouraging new believers in the faith. The only time that we hear Barnabas speak is when he was in Antioch. He encouraged them in the faith “to remain true to the Lord with all their hearts”. Being an encourager in the faith is a great act of kindness.