Flexibility In Faith

vs. stubbornness

Adjusting to change with a good attitude

To practice Flexibility, I will:

  • not get upset when plans change
  • accepting the things I cannot change
  • be open to new and different experiences
  • learn from my mistakes
  • anticipate and prepare for change

Flexible for God

Our faith requires us to be flexible and react the way God wants us to react. Many times we get comfortable in where we are with our faith, and then God calls us to love a little bit more or a little bit deeper. Sometimes we get stubborn and want to stay where we are comfortable. God calls us to think and act creatively and flexibly to accomplish our mission. Changes in life are inevitable, and we need to stay flexible but focused on the mission of the Church. We need to embrace change, knowing we have a firm foundation in our faith. Each time we resist change, we miss an opportunity to grow our faith.

This month, identify something from God you have resisted and give flexibility a try.


The Links below will take you to Resources you can use in a Christian Faith Based setting
to encourage the Character Quality of Flexibility.
Our other Pillars have resources that can be adapted for use in a Christian setting.

Visit Flexibility in School>>

No Matter How You Say It
Curriculum Connections
Croskey’s Corner

Visit Flexibility in Business>>

Power Up with Character
Interview Questions
Adult Business Books

Visit Flexibility in the Community>>

Character All Month Calendar
Related Qualities
Character Holiday Activities
Family Activity (with a printable for sending home to parents)

Archived Faith Resources


Character Helps


1-Minute Testimonials
4-Minute Testimonials


5-Minute Studies


Children and Family Resources


4-Minute Sermons


Bulletin Inserts