That’s A Tough One

For this activity you will need puzzle pieces that do not connect to one another. If you prefer, you can work on a difficult logic puzzle. Visit for ideas. Let the family work on the puzzle you choose until they get frustrated. Stop the work and ask about the frustration. Compare this frustration with trying to be a good Christian all of the time. It’s tough! Being a resilient Christian isn’t easy. When we do things that we shouldn’t do (sin) or when we neglect to do the things we should do (sins of omission), it is easy to become negative. We get tired and giving in to the devil just seems easier.
Fortunately for us, there are some things we can do to keep up our resilience. Ask the family for some ideas. Some examples are listed below. Write a list as family members make suggestions. Add any from the list below that you like that didn’t get suggested. When you believe the list is complete, review the list with the family.
Read the Bible
Attend church
Pray or Mediate
Serve others
Stay positive
Ask others for help
Be open to the grace of God
Be grateful
Is there a message from God in this difficulty?
Ask the Holy Spirit for help (“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.” Galatians 5:22-23)
After you finish the demonstration, process the activity with these or similar questions:
- Did the puzzle frustrate you?
- Does it feel good to feel frustrated?
- Was it difficult to come up with items for the list?
- Do you believe that the items on the list will build your resilience?
- Now that you have this a list do you have more confidence in your ability to be resilient?