
You will need a cup, a dishpan or large bowl and a measuring cup that is twice the size of the first cup. Place the empty cup into a dishpan or large bowl. Fill the measuring cup with water. Gather the family and begin a discussion about being grateful for the many blessings God bestows on us. Ask the family members for suggestions of blessings that the family or individuals in the family have received from God. For each suggestion, allow the one who suggested it to pour a small amount of water into the cup that is inside of the dishpan. When the cup is full, keep asking for suggestions and continue to let them pour water into the already full cup, overflowing into the dishpan. Explain that God has more blessings for us than we can understand or contain. It is important that we are thanking God for the blessings he has given us. Then read Psalm 23:5 “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.”
Process the activity by asking these or similar questions:
- Did you think that we would stop pouring when the cup was full? (That’s how humans think.)
- Could you feel the fullness when the cup overflowed?
- Was it hard to name the blessings God has given us?
- Do you have a sense of gratefulness for this abundance of blessings?
- The next time you think about complaining about something, will you think of this long list of blessings and reconsider your complaint?