August Character All Month

See NationalToday, AndTodayIs, NationalDayCalendar or DaysOfTheYear for more information on these and other holidays to celebrate this month.
Date in 2023 | Holiday | How to Commemorate with Character |
1 | National Promise to Care Day | On #NationalPromiseToCareDay, Urgent care workers are reminded to be #Compassionate, #Empathetic, #Appreciative, #Respectful, and #Ethical. We all can use that reminder! #CharacterStartsWithMe |
2 | National Coloring Book Day | Coloring can help reduce stress and make beautiful art on #NationalColoringBookDay. #Compassion #MentalHealth #Creativity #CharacterStartsWithMe |
4 | National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day | “In the cookie of life, friends are the chocolate chips.” – Salman Rushdie. Celebrate the #loyalty of #friendship today on #NationalChocolateChipCookieDay. #CharacterStartsWithMe |
4 | National Friendship Day | Did you know that in 1998 the United Nations named #WinnieThePooh as the world’s Ambassador of #Friendship on #NationalFriendshipDay? How can you be a friend today? #BestFriend #Friends #CharacterStartsWithMe |
8 | Happiness Happens Day | According to The Secret Society of Happy People, there are 31 ‘types’ of happiness that people often feel or experience throughout the day. Grab their Happiness Counter today on #HappinessHappensDay and see how your day went! #CharacterStartsWithMe |
8 | International Cat Day | Use your #Enthusiasm and #Positivity to chase away “Grumpy Cat” on #InternationalCatDay. #CharacterStartsWithMe |
8 | National Sneak Some Zucchini Onto Your Neighbor’s Porch Day | It’s #NationalSneakSomeZucchiniOntoYourNeighborsPorchDay! This is also our Kinder Character Challenge for the week. Join here #CharacterStartsWithMe |
9 | National Book Lovers Day | Share your love of #reading with young people on #NationalBookLoversDay #Knowledge #Kindness #CharacterStartsWithMe |
11 | National Son and Daughter Day | Cherish time with your #sons and #daughters and make a few more memories on #NationalSonAndDaughterDay. #Family comes first!#Loyalty #Gratefulness #CharacterStartsWithMe |
12 | International Find the Good Day | #InternationalFindTheGoodDay was created by The Junior League and is dedicated to finding the good in yourself, your community, and the world around you. Accelerate impact by focusing on the #Good. #Positivity #Enthusiasm #CharacterStartsWithMe |
13 | International Lefthanders Day | Did you know that some left-handed children are bullied for being a Lefty? Join us in celebrating Lefties today on #InternationalLefthandersDay. #Determination #Creativity #CharacterStartsWithME |
15 | National Relaxation Day | Time to chill and recover on #NationalRelaxationDay #SelfCompassion #CharacterStartsWithMe |
18 | Never Give Up Day | What goal could use your #Endurance and #Determination today? Celebrate #NeverGiveUpDay. #CharacterStartsWithMe |
19 | National Potato Day | Be one of the good ‘Tater People” today on #NationalPotatoDay! Use your #Initiative and avoid being just a Spec-tator or a Hesi-Tator! See Dr. Zimmerman’s other “taters” #CharacterStartsWithMe |
19 | Anthony Muñoz Birthday | Happy Birthday to Anthony Muñoz, the Character Council’s first spokesperson. We are proud of your community leadership and mentorship! #CharacterStartsWithMe @MuñozFoundation |
20 | World Mosquito Day | “If you think you are too small to make a difference, you haven’t spent a night with a mosquito.” African Proverb. On #WorldMosquitoDay, be inspired to make a difference. #Initiative #Determination #CharacterStartsWithMe |
21 | National Senior Citizens Day | What #Wisdom can you learn from your elders on #SeniorCitizensDay? #Respect #CharacterStartsWithMe |
22 | Be An Angel Day | Today is #BeAnAngelDay. It is celebrated to push us to become someone’s #angel. Whether it is a grand gesture (sponsoring someone’s education) or small (saying ‘thank you’ when someone helps you), a good gesture goes a long way towards sending #goodwill out into the world. #CharacterStartsWithMe |
24 | Ukraine Independence Day | It’s #UkraineIndependenceDay and Ukraine is still fighting for its Independence. #Endurance #Determination #Resilience #Loyalty #Compassion #Courage #CharacterStartsWithMe |
25 | Social Justice Sunday | The #SocialJusticeSunday initiative celebrated today encourages all to be #Compassionate. An act of #Kindness can go a long way in transforming a person’s life. #Justice #CharacterStartsWithMe |
26 | National Toilet Paper Day | How many feet of toilet paper is used in your house monthly? In your city? State? The US? How many trees does that equal? #Respect the environment and future generations by looking at bamboo or recycled alternatives on #NationalToiletPaperDay. #CharacterStartsWithMe |
27 | National Just Because Day | #NationalJustBecauseDay encourages random acts of #Kindness. Give a friend a gift, help someone in need, or even spread #Positive vibes. Why? Just because! #CharacterStartsWithMe |
29 | According to Hoyle Day | We always promote following the rules, so today, we celebrate #AccordingToHoyleDay to honor Edmond Hoyle, who is best known for his definitive books on the rules of popular games. Many people verify a rule by saying, “According to Hoyle…” #Honesty #CharacterStartsWithMe |