Patience Pays Off

Patience Pays Off Patience Pays Off Savings Use the idea of saving money to illustrate the importance of patience. For younger students, use a simple example of saving 50 cents a week to buy a special item. This could also appear as a math question on a test or...

A Knotty Situation

A Knotty Situation A Knotty Situation Have you ever had to untangle a necklace, or hair ties, rope or Christmas lights? If you have, then you can do today’s activity! Divide students into groups of 6 or 8 (must be an even number). Arrange each group in a tight...


Telephone Telephone This age-old game can be used to teach attentiveness. Divide the class into two teams. The same phrase is given to the first student on each team. Have each team race to see how fast the phrase can be whispered from student to student. See how...


Memory Memory We’ve all played the memory game with a deck of cards. Several pairs of cards are shuffled together and then laid out upside down in a grid. The students take turns turning over 2 cards to find the matches. They need to pay attention when the other...

Directions Test

Directions Test Attentiveness Quiz – Click to download The following test is another old activity but can be effective if the students haven’t seen it yet. Give this test to the students and see how many of them read all the instructions first. Read everything...

Tips for Teaching Attention

Tips for Teaching Attention Hugs and Bubbles Want to get your students attention? Try Hugs and Bubbles. Teach your students that whenever they hear Hugs and Bubbles, they are to give themselves a big hug and puff out their cheeks with air as if they have bubbles in...