Gratefulness strengthens:

  • Positivity by being aware of all good things.

  • Resilience by demonstrating appreciation to others for what I have and how they have helped me.

  • Loyalty by expressing gratitude for those you are loyal to.

  • Cooperation by being appreciative of those you are working with.

Gratefulness is a lot like:







Gratefulness is strengthened by:

  • Alertness by being aware of how others have given to you so that you can express gratitude.
  • Enthusiasm by being excited about the gifts and blessings you’ve been given.
  • Humility by recognizing the people that have helped you.
  • Punctuality by expressing gratitude in the moment.

For the word origin, translations, sign language version, and other linguistic
characteristics of Gratefulness,
visit the No Matter How You Say It page.