June Character All Month

by | Jun 1, 2024 | Character All Month

See NationalToday, AndTodayIs, NationalDayCalendar or DaysOfTheYear for more information on these and other holidays to celebrate this month.

Date in June 2024 Holiday  How to Commemorate with Character
1 National Say Something Nice Day Who could you say something nice to today on #NationalSaySomethingNiceDay! #Respect #Positivity  #Nice  #CharacterStartsWithMe
3 National Egg Day Are you a ‘good egg’? Celebrate today on #NationalEggDay. #Kindness #Respect #eggs #CharacterStartsWithMe
5 World Environment Day On #WorldEnvironmentDay, share a way you take care of the environment. #Respect #GoGreen #Creativity #CharacterStartsWithMe
6 D-Day On the remembrance of #DDay, let’s appreciate those who fought for our country! #Gratefulness #CharacterStartsWithMe
7 World Caring Day Today is #WorldCaringDay.  How can you show you care?   #Compassion  #CharacterStartsWithMe
8 National Best Friends Day Tag your best friend in this post and their best character trait because it’s #NationalBestFriendDay! #Respect #Loyalty #CharacterStartsWithMe
9 Race Unity Day Join us in #RaceUnityDay where we come to together to celebrate diversity. #Justice  #Acceptance #Respect #Courage #CharacterStartsWithMe
14 Flag Day Show your #Loyalty and #Respect today on #FlagDay.  How will you celebrate?  #CharacterStartsWithMe
14 Army Birthday Happy Birthday, Army!   Did you know the #ARMY is the largest branch of the U.S. military, #ArmyBirthday #Loyalty  #Respect  #Courage #CharacterStartsWithMe
17 National Eat Your Vegetables Day Use your #Creativity with #vegetables on #NationalEatYourVegetablesDay.  Treat your body well! #CharacterStartsWithMe
19 Juneteenth It’s #Juneteenth ! (June and 19th) More than 155 years ago Major General Gordon Granger arrived in Texas to inform slaves that slavery had been abolished.  There is still more work to do to achieve Racial Equity.  What can you do? #Freedom  #Justice  #CharacterStartsWithMe
20 World Productivity Day On #WorldProductivityDay, we take time to evaluate our busyness to ensure we are focused on the right things. #Wisdom #Initiative #Focus #Determination #GetItDone #CharacterStartsWIthMe
20 Summer Solstice Today is the #SummerSolstice – the longest day of the year.  What will you do with your #Positivity and #Enthusiasm today?  #CharacterStartsWithMe
22  National Be Kinder Day How can you #BeKinder today than you were yesterday? Spread kindness on #NationalBeKinderDay. #Kindness #Generosity  #CharacterStartsWithMe
22 Summersgiving Wouldn’t you like to have #Thanksgiving more than once a year?  Now you can by celebrating #Summersgiving!  Enjoy some summer #Gratitude with friends or family.  Don’t worry about the date.  Plan a meal with or without turkey and the trimmings. #CharacterStartsWithMe
26  Forgiveness Day It’s  #ForgivenessDay.Forgiveness is a powerful gift that you can give to others and yourself. #Compassion #Kindness  #CharacterStartsWithMe
26  National Day of Joy On #NationalDayOfJoy share what brings you joy!  #Joyfulness  #Positivity #CharacterStartsWithMe
27 Helen Keller’s Birthday Happy Birthday, #HelenKeller! She said, “#Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.” #CharacterStartsWithMe
29  Hug Holiday Celebrate #HugHoliday with a bear hug! #Kindness #Compassion #CharacterStartsWithMe