March Character All Month

See NationalToday, AndTodayIs, NationalDayCalendar or DaysOfTheYear for more information on these and other holidays to celebrate this month.
Day in Mar 2024 | Holiday | How to Commemorate with Character |
1 | National Peanut Butter Lover’s Day. | It’s National #PeanutButter Lover’s Day! Reach out to that person who has stuck by your side through the “crunchy” and “smooth” times. #Loyalty #Determination #CharacterStartsWithMe |
1 | World Compliment Day | Celebrate #WorldComplimentDay today by sharing heartfelt compliments with those around you. Extra points if you are #Creative! #Positivity #CharacterStartsWithMe |
2 | National Read Across America Day | Do you know a reluctant reader? Celebrate #ReadAcrossAmerica Day today and check out Elizabeth Babbin’s “9 Great Books for Reluctant Readers in Middle School.” #CharacterStartsWithMe |
4 | March Forth | Celebrate National #MarchForth Day by renewing your #Determination toward your New Year’s resolutions. #Discipline and #Determination. #CharacterStartsWithMe |
4 | National Sportsmanship Day | Today is national #Sportsmanship day. Sportsmanship encourages fair play, good etiquette, and good character. Being good at a sport isn’t the only important quality of an athlete — showing good sportsmanship is equally important. #Teamwork #Cooperation #CharacterStartsWithMe |
7 | Alexander Graham Bell Day | Today, we celebrate #AlexanderGrahamBell. Phone a Friend in honor of this day. #Loyalty #Attentiveness #CharacterStartsWithMe |
8 | International Women’s Day | The theme for #InternationalWomensDay 2024 is Inspire Inclusion. We forge a better world when we inspire others to understand and value women’s inclusion. #Belonging, #Relevance, #Empowerment. #CharacterStartsWithMe |
8 | National Proofreading Day | Can you spot the eror in this sentance? Celebrate National #Proofreading Day by using your #Diligence to step up your Proofreading Skills. #Thoroughness #Focus #CharacterStartsWithMe |
9 | National Get Over It Day | Have a grudge you want to let go of? Today is the day – #NationalGetOverItDay. #Forgiveness #CharacterStartsWithMe |
9 | Daylight Savings Time Starts Tomorrow | #DaylightSavingsTime starts tomorrow. Tonight, we set our clocks ahead and lose an hour. What bad habit will you try to lose also? #Discernment #Decisiveness #CharacterStartsWithMe |
12 | National Girl Scout Day | The Girl Scout mission is to build #Courage, #Confidence, and #Character. Celebrate with them on national #GirlScout day. #CharacterStartsWithMe |
13 | National Good Samaritan Day | Celebrate #GoodSamaritan day. #Generosity and #Compassion goes a long way. #CharacterStartsWithMe |
13 | Ken Day | We are celebrating #NationalKenDay! Mattel debuted the #KenDoll in 1961, and he has been supportive of #Barbie ever since. #Loyalty #CharacterStartsWithMe |
14 | National Pi Day | “Love is like #Pi – natural, irrational and very important.” -Lisa Hoffman Celebrate with #Love and #Pie on #NationalPiDay #Compassion #Wisdom #CharacterStartsWithMe |
15 | World Essential Workers Day | World #EssentialWorkers Day originated in 2021 by 9-year-old, Ja’Nay Ratcliff, who has proven that you can do anything only if you set your mind to it. The day was established to express our #Gratefulness to those workers who are essential to our economy and way of life but often go unnoticed. #CharacterStartsWithMe |
17 | St. Patrick’s Day | Happy #StPatricksDay from the Character Council. We are #lucky to have you as a follower! #Gratefulness #CharacterStartsWithMe |
18 | Global Recycling Day | Celebrate #GlobalRecyclingDay by finding another item you can start #Recycling. Consider picking an item you buy frequently and looking for a recycled version. #Responsibility #Flexibility #Initiative #CharacterStartsWithMe |
21 | National Common Courtesy Day | Brush up your manners; it’s National #CommonCourtesy Day. #Respect #CharacterStartsWithMe |
23 | World Math Day | Use #Confidence to tackle your Math anxiety on World #Math Day and believe in your ability to learn Math. #Positivity #CharacterStartsWithMe |
24 | National Each Person Is a Person of Worth Day | #NationalEachPersonIsAPersonOfWorthDay aims to get people to recognize the worth of everyone around them and, in doing so, appreciate their own worth. #Acceptance #Respect #Namaste #CharacterStartsWithMe |
25 | International Waffle Day | Be #Decisive on #InternationalWaffleDay. No Waffling on Waffle Day! #Initiative #CharacterStartsWithMe |
27 | International Scribble Day | #InternationalScribbleDay celebrates Diane Alber’s children’s book, “I’m NOT Just a Scribble.” Art can come in any form, and anyone can be an artist. It also promotes #Kindness and #Acceptance and inspires #Creativity. #CharacterStartsWithMe |
29 | National Smoke and Mirrors Day | Combat the deception of #NationalSmokeAndMirrorsDay with #Trustworthiness, #Honesty, and #Sincerity. #CharacterStartsWithMe |
29 | Earth Hour | #EarthHour is observed annually on the last Saturday in March. Turn off non-essential electric lights for one hour, from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., to symbolize commitment to the planet. #Responsibility #Flexibility #CharacterStartsWithMe |
31 | National Crayon Day | Did you know that #crayons are recyclable? Celebrate #NationalCrayonDay #Creativity #CharacterStartsWithMe |