March Character All Month

by | Mar 1, 2025 | Character All Month

See NationalToday, AndTodayIs, NationalDayCalendar or DaysOfTheYear for more information on these and other holidays to celebrate this month.

Day in Mar 2024 Holiday How to Commemorate with Character
1 National Peanut Butter Lover’s Day. It’s National #PeanutButter Lover’s Day! Reach out to that person who has stuck by your side through the “crunchy” and “smooth” times. #Loyalty #Determination #CharacterStartsWithMe
1 World Compliment Day Celebrate #WorldComplimentDay today by sharing heartfelt compliments with those around you.  Extra points if you are #Creative!  #Positivity #CharacterStartsWithMe
2 National Read Across America Day Do you know a reluctant reader? Celebrate #ReadAcrossAmerica Day today and check out Elizabeth Babbin’s “9 Great Books for Reluctant Readers in Middle School.”  #CharacterStartsWithMe
4 March Forth Celebrate National #MarchForth Day by renewing your #Determination toward your New Year’s resolutions.  #Discipline and #Determination. #CharacterStartsWithMe
4 National Sportsmanship Day  Today is national #Sportsmanship day. Sportsmanship encourages fair play, good etiquette, and good character. Being good at a sport isn’t the only important quality of an athlete — showing good sportsmanship is equally important.  #Teamwork  #Cooperation  #CharacterStartsWithMe
7 Alexander Graham Bell Day Today, we celebrate #AlexanderGrahamBell.  Phone a Friend in honor of this day.  #Loyalty #Attentiveness  #CharacterStartsWithMe
8 International Women’s Day The theme for #InternationalWomensDay 2024 is Inspire Inclusion. We forge a better world when we inspire others to understand and value women’s inclusion.  #Belonging, #Relevance, #Empowerment. #CharacterStartsWithMe
8 National Proofreading Day Can you spot the eror in this sentance? Celebrate National #Proofreading Day by using your #Diligence to step up your Proofreading Skills.   #Thoroughness  #Focus  #CharacterStartsWithMe
9 National Get Over It Day Have a grudge you want to let go of?  Today is the day – #NationalGetOverItDay.  #Forgiveness  #CharacterStartsWithMe
9 Daylight Savings Time Starts Tomorrow #DaylightSavingsTime starts tomorrow.  Tonight, we set our clocks ahead and lose an hour.  What bad habit will you try to lose also?  #Discernment #Decisiveness #CharacterStartsWithMe
12 National Girl Scout Day The Girl Scout mission is to build #Courage, #Confidence, and #Character. Celebrate with them on national #GirlScout day. #CharacterStartsWithMe
13 National Good Samaritan Day Celebrate #GoodSamaritan day.  #Generosity and #Compassion goes a long way. #CharacterStartsWithMe
13 Ken Day We are celebrating #NationalKenDay! Mattel debuted the #KenDoll in 1961, and he has been supportive of #Barbie ever since. #Loyalty #CharacterStartsWithMe
14 National Pi Day “Love is like #Pi – natural, irrational and very important.” -Lisa Hoffman  Celebrate with #Love and #Pie on #NationalPiDay #Compassion #Wisdom  #CharacterStartsWithMe
15 World Essential Workers Day World #EssentialWorkers Day originated in 2021 by 9-year-old, Ja’Nay Ratcliff, who has proven that you can do anything only if you set your mind to it. The day was established to express our #Gratefulness to those workers who are essential to our economy and way of life but often go unnoticed. #CharacterStartsWithMe
17 St. Patrick’s Day Happy #StPatricksDay from the Character Council.  We are #lucky to have you as a follower!  #Gratefulness  #CharacterStartsWithMe
18 Global Recycling Day Celebrate #GlobalRecyclingDay by finding another item you can start #Recycling. Consider picking an item you buy frequently and looking for a recycled version.  #Responsibility  #Flexibility  #Initiative   #CharacterStartsWithMe
21 National Common Courtesy Day Brush up your manners; it’s National #CommonCourtesy Day. #Respect  #CharacterStartsWithMe
23 World Math Day Use #Confidence to tackle your Math anxiety on World #Math Day and believe in your ability to learn Math.  #Positivity  #CharacterStartsWithMe
24 National Each Person Is a Person of Worth Day #NationalEachPersonIsAPersonOfWorthDay aims to get people to recognize the worth of everyone around them and, in doing so, appreciate their own worth. #Acceptance  #Respect #Namaste #CharacterStartsWithMe
25 International Waffle Day Be #Decisive on #InternationalWaffleDay.  No Waffling on Waffle Day!  #Initiative #CharacterStartsWithMe
27 International Scribble Day #InternationalScribbleDay celebrates Diane Alber’s children’s book, “I’m NOT Just a Scribble.” Art can come in any form, and anyone can be an artist. It also promotes #Kindness and #Acceptance and inspires #Creativity. #CharacterStartsWithMe
29 National Smoke and Mirrors Day Combat the deception of #NationalSmokeAndMirrorsDay with #Trustworthiness, #Honesty, and #Sincerity.  #CharacterStartsWithMe
29 Earth Hour #EarthHour is observed annually on the last Saturday in March. Turn off non-essential electric lights for one hour, from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., to symbolize commitment to the planet.  #Responsibility  #Flexibility  #CharacterStartsWithMe
31 National Crayon Day Did you know that #crayons are recyclable? Celebrate #NationalCrayonDay   #Creativity  #CharacterStartsWithMe